Magic of meetings

Magic of meetings


Magic of meetings

A French family living in Otjiwarongo met Patrice Kanozsai, the founder of « Editions du Cygne » who has wished to help Peri Naua after the visit of the pre-primary school. The idea of writing dictionaries has born so that the children can make the link between their mother tongue and English, and acquire the basic English vocabulary necessary for their integration into primary school.

    To know more about it click
    to the following link : ÉDITIONS DU CYGNE

    Peri-Naua in Namibia

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    As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team

    Magic of meetings

    Magie des rencontres


    Magie des rencontres

    Une famille française installée à Otjiwarongo a rencontré Patrice Kanozsai ,le fondateur des éditions du cygne, qui a souhaité aider Peri Naua après la visite de l’école maternelle. L’idée de créer des dictionnaires illustrés est née afin que les enfants puissent faire le lien entre leur langue maternelle et l’anglais et qu’ils acquièrent le vocabulaire de base en anglais, nécessaire à leur bonne intégration en école primaire.

      Pour en savoir plus, cliquez sur le lien : ÉDITIONS DU CYGNE

      Peri-Naua en Namibie

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      Bénévolat, dons, soutiens, informations… :

      Visite de nos projets en Namibie : 

       Etant donné que toutes les personnes œuvrant au sein de l’association sont bénévoles il se peut que pour des raisons professionnelles elles ne puissent vous répondre immédiatement. Néanmoins, nous garantissons une réponse à chacun de vos courriers. 
      L’équipe de Peri Naua

      Peri Naua’s actions in France

      Peri Naua’s actions in France

      Current projects in France

      – Exhibitions and sales, participation in different world markets, in the International Solidarity Week to collect funds…
      – Search for members and donors 

      Coupon d'adhésion à Peri-Naua

       – Search for volunteers
      – Conferences about Namibia and Peri Naua’s actions on demand
      – Loan of the educational kit to French schools
      – Organization of projects in partnership with artists, schools, colleges, high schools.
      – Annual photo exhibition 


      A way to discover Southern Africa in staying in Bar le Duc (France) ?

      From the 18th to the 24th of October, Peri Naua proposed us a travel into Southern Africa thanks to a picture and handcraft exhibition.

      This exhibition took place in Bar le Duc, in France (Lorraine). This was a way to make the association known, and hopefully find new adherents.

      100 pictures were shown, classified in different topics: the Himbas tribe, the roads, Birds, Animals … It was possible to buy these pictures, in a big or small format, framed or not.

      Many learners from the neighboring schools came to see the exhibition. It was a really good opportunity for them to discover a new culture, new countries and realize how lucky they are to go at school.

      There was also a lot of handicrafts exposed like masks, statues, necklaces, African games… All of them are made by Namibian, Malian, and Malagasy craftsmen who work with the respect of environment.

      The pictures and the handicraft were sold to fund the actions of Peri Naua in Namibia especially the Otiwarongo pre-primary School.

      One photography from the 2010 exhibition was offered to each of the sponsors of that event.

      Memory of the 2011 Photo Exhibition

      For more information on Peri Naua France news, visit our Facebook :

      Peri-Naua in Namibia

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      Visit of our projets in Namibia :


      As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team

      The library

      The library

      Current projects in Namibia

      Today, the library opens every weekday from 1 to 5 pm. Children and teenagers come to find peace and quiet to do their homework or to read one of the 2500 books available. Textbooks are also available, as well as two computers with internet access. The three local coordinators are present to guide them in their research, to read stories to the youngest and to help the older ones with their schoolwork.

      On Saturday mornings, the library opens its doors for a playful moment. On program, board games, Lego, puzzles, manual activities or sports, film projection… The children, especially the youngest, are very fond of these three hours

      The library

      In October 2015, after months of preparation and the support of sponsors (Clay House Project, B2Gold, Ecole et Collège du Sacré Choeur at Thonon les Bains, Millard North High School) Peri Naua opens a neighborhood library, primarily aimed for pupils of primary level to support their reading learning. The success is immediate. More than words, the blog of Sylvain recounts the beginning of this adventure

        For a virtual tour of the library, Lily, a French volunteer, and the library’s beneficiaries created this video presentation

        Peri-Naua in Namibia

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        Visit of our projets in Namibia :


        As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team

        Peri Naua Preprimary School Otjiwarongo

        Peri Naua Preprimary School Otjiwarongo

        Background in Namibia

        Preprimary School Otjiwarongo

        The fortuitous meeting between Monique, a Frenchwoman living in Namibia, in Otjiwarongo since 1992, and Peri Naua allows the association to find a relay on the spot, both to offer assistance to the existing structure and to seize the opportunity of other development possibilities.

        Through a discussion with the French ambassador to Namibia, Monique learns about the Social Development Fund (SDF), whose purpose is to finance development projects. This source of funding will help to create a kindergarten in the informal settlement area of Orwetoveni township.

        The collaboration between Monique and Peri Naua is strengthening: Monique commits herself to mobilize SDF funds for the construction of the buildings and the purchase of school furniture while Peri Naua commits herself to ensure the sustainability of the structure by financing the operating costs.

          • At the end of 2007, the construction of three buildings has started (a classroom, a gym room, and a canteen).
          • At the beginning of 2008, Peri Naua invests in the fitting out of the canteen and in the purchase of educational material.
          • At the end of 2008 the buildings are completed and Peri Naua recruits the teachers and registers the pupils.
          • In January 2009, the school inaugurates its first school year, with 24 students aged 4 to 5 years and 2 teachers

        The school immediately meets a growing success. Responding to a need, the school organizes afternoon classes (homework help) to support the students in their progress in elementary school. In addition, it opens a third class in 2015 and reaches its peak with 72 students.

        Deux ans plus tard, le manque d’espace extérieur et le départ d’une institutrice promue au rang de teacher (diplôme lié à l’enseignement Montessori) a conduit à la fermeture de la troisième classe. Dès lors, le nombre d’élèves se stabilise à 50. En 2019, à l’occasion des dix ans de l’école, l’ambassadrice de France se déplace et une fête d’anniversaire est organisée.

        L’école a fermé ses portes fin 2020. En effet, cette dernière avait été pensée dans un contexte de manque d’infrastructures pré-scolaires dans le quartier. Si on comptait seulement deux écoles maternelles en 2009, en 2020 elles sont plus de soixante. De ce fait, la mission de Peri-Naua était terminée car l’objectif de l’association est de combler des carences locales en termes d’accès aux domaines éducatifs et culturels, non pas de se substituer aux acteurs locaux. 

        Peri-Naua in Namibia

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        Volunteer, donations, supports, informations… :

        Visit of our projets in Namibia :


        As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team