
Mathilde, civic service from December 07, 2021 to June 2, 2022
« This mission within Peri Naua taught me a lot in several areas. First of all, education. Thanks to homework help, I was able to observe the evolution of each student, see their confidence increase, the admiration of white fade to give way to an equitable human relationship. These exchanges were a real pleasure and I learned about the thirst for discovery, the curiosity of children and teenagers. Then that of creativity by offering artistic activities as part of the establishment of a cultural center. I acquired skills in pedagogy but also in the implementation of workshops, especially radio.
This new experience allowed me to refine my choice of orientation towards a work that combines culture and social. These 6 months within the association, made me grow and learn a lot about humanity, brotherly love, my personal and professional priorities. What a rewarding experience to see these students create so independently and flourish in a common project!
This civic service opens wide the heart and mind, each child is full of richness and beauty. Also, I thank Erica and Alina for everything they taught me indirectly. Their courage, poetry and cheerfulness gave me a lot. Their families as well. Thank you to the whole team for welcoming me.«

Peri-Naua in Namibia
Books for children – Christian Epanya
EventsBooks for children - Christian Epanya Christian Epanya, author and illustrator of children's books came to Windhoek to participate in an...
Planting of trees at Orwetoveni school
EventsPlanting of trees at Orwetoveni schoolAt the end of its performances, the theater company Dilemme sur planche of the Swiss commune...
Annick and carpet stories
EventsAnnick and carpet storiesTo build a pedagogical and cultural project around the story mats and to create language situations that allow the...
The educational garden with Mathieu
EventsThe educational garden with MathieuWe had been talking about it for a long time. It took everyone's work and some time to complete this...
The magicians
EventsThe magiciansDuring 10 weeks (July – August 2012), five builder - apprentices, under the leadership of their association EDA and the...
An excursion to Etosha
EventsAn excursion to EtoshaThanks to the money collected by the students of the association EDA BTP Peri Naua was able to organize an outing to...
Magic of meetings
EventsMagic of meetingsA French family living in Otjiwarongo met Patrice Kanozsai, the founder of "Editions du Cygne" who has wished to help Peri...

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As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team