Volunteer’s Feedbacks

Anna, rhymes, and company (August-December 2015)
“See a spark of curiosity in their eyes, notice the corner of the mouth that rises to draw a smile, feel the tremor of impatience, see all the teeth because laughter came, guess that reflection begins behind those eyebrows that pucker … All sensations that can be felt face an attentive group are increased tenfold when the story told is heard for the first time by children who have never seen a picture book before.
Namibia is not only a country of breathtaking landscapes and fascinating animals, it is also children’s dreams and hopes in the future, a simple life that one wants better, people has nothing but share everything.
So thank you to Peri Naua, thank you to the teachers, thank you to the many children who have allowed me to experience this.

I’m not sure I brought many things to the 500 children that I met at the library that they could teach me.
If my three months here have served at least one child to discover a taste for reading, so my mission is fulfilled.
I return enriched with smiles, happiness, sharing, and full of hope for the future.”
Volunteer’s Feedbacks
Jeanne: budding puppeteer
Volunteer's FeedbacksJeanne: budding puppeteer (15 October 2013 – 15 June 2014)“I decided to go and work in Namibia for Peri Naua after obtaining my...
Anne: from tourist to volunteer
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnne: from tourist to volunteer (July-August 2013)“Far from the dunes of Sossusvlei and from Etosha national Park, which I fell...
Pauline: Peri Naua’s reporter
Volunteer's FeedbacksPauline: Peri Naua’s reporter (September 26 - November 29, 2012)“During a trip, we do not expect what we will live, we do not...
Hiu, seeking translators for English-local language dictionaries
Volunteer's FeedbacksHiu, seeking translators for English-local language dictionaries (September- December 2012)“Arrived by chance at the school of...
Mehdi, member of the EDA/BTP student association helping in the renovation of the school
Volunteer's FeedbacksMehdi, member of the EDA/BTP student association helping in the renovation of the school (July - August 2012)“I was part of the...
Annick, her carpet stories and other stories…
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnnick, her carpet stories and other stories... (20 May - 14 June 2011)“The project with the stories-carpet has already been...
Mathieu: the green thumb in 3 minutes
Volunteer's FeedbacksMathieu: the green thumb in 3 minutes (July- August 2010)“As part of a training abroad, I spent two months as a volunteer at...
Dominique, a trainer for Namibian teachers
Volunteer's FeedbacksDominique, a trainer for Namibian teachers (10 January - 23 April 2010)“This mission went on under excellent conditions, both...
Florent: inauguration of volunteering work in Orwetoveni
Volunteer's FeedbacksFlorent: inauguration of volunteering work in Orwetoveni (six months in 2009)“Sharing the daily life of these children has been...

Volunteer, donations, supports, informations… : gilles.frene@wanadoo.fr
Visit of our projets in Namibia : ausun@africaonline.com.na

As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team