Volunteer’s Feedbacks

Anne: from tourist to volunteer (July-August 2013)

“Far from the dunes of Sossusvlei and from Etosha national Park, which I fell in love as a tourist last year, I discovered another face of Namibia during these six weeks that I spent at the school of Peri Naua in Otjiwarongo.

Here, one sings, one learns, one speaks English, one listens, one shares, one plays, one follows the rules, and one grows. Those children, who do not seem to have much, are rich of a life to build in a country that has still to grow.

Ihemba, Charliza, Betuel, Angela, Prince, Romanda, Eshuel and all the others, the Namibia of tomorrow is You. As a teacher, here in France, I would like to have learners like you, respectful and eager to learn, generous. Every morning, after having straddled my bike to swallow a few miles that separated me from the school, I have, as best as I could, helped the teachers already well trained by the work of several previous volunteers: refining the evaluations and progressions, proposing activities for children in need, providing new activities, such as writing a story, making a book… So, BRAVO Peri Naua, thousands of thanks to Monique Escurat, the head of the school and my host during those six weeks for her hospitality and her daily investment. Thank you to Peri Naua, that allowed me to live a unique experience, rich in encounters, humanity, sharing and discoveries!”

Volunteer’s Feedbacks

Anna, rhymes, and company

Anna, rhymes, and company

Volunteer's FeedbacksAnna, rhymes, and company (August-December 2015)“See a spark of curiosity in their eyes, notice the corner of the mouth that...

Jeanne: budding puppeteer

Jeanne: budding puppeteer

Volunteer's FeedbacksJeanne: budding puppeteer (15 October 2013 – 15 June 2014)“I decided to go and work in Namibia for Peri Naua after obtaining my...

Pauline: Peri Naua’s reporter

Pauline: Peri Naua’s reporter

Volunteer's FeedbacksPauline: Peri Naua’s reporter (September 26 - November 29, 2012)“During a trip, we do not expect what we will live, we do not...

Mathieu: the green thumb in 3 minutes

Mathieu: the green thumb in 3 minutes

Volunteer's FeedbacksMathieu: the green thumb in 3 minutes (July- August 2010)“As part of a training abroad, I spent two months as a volunteer at...

Volunteer, donations, supports, informations… : gilles.frene@wanadoo.fr

Visit of our projets in Namibia : ausun@africaonline.com.na


As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team