Volunteer’s Feedbacks

Maxime, Benjamin, Artur and Vianney, a second chapter for EDA BTP association (August- October 2018)
Mission completed !
Our objectives :
- Build a construction of 40 m² for grow the school
- Renovate the existing build
- Make some activities with the children for their education

« We were busy during the last days in Otjiwarongo because we had some things to finish. To begin, the painting of the doors, windows and foundations of the library. The library now is in the PERI NAUA association colors and looks like a new building. Despite the high heat, all went well to finish the renovation of the library. We also helped PERI NAUA to manage the hundred children coming daily and voluntary for their own intellectual growth. We helped the children to read, to do the homework after school and get access to computers. It was a pleasure to be with these children. We will never forget the smile and the desire to learn in these children.
We also did some administrative tasks and we evacuated the clay didn’t used for the library during the last days of the mission and now it’s definitely the end. This mission brought us a lot in our perception of the world around us and also enables us to improve our management of a group project in an unknown country. We are proud but mainly grateful to all the people who have supported the project. Without you, all this can’t be possible, and all this smiles and good deeds are thanks to you. Many thanks to you ! »
Maxime, Benjamin, Artur et Vianney association EDA BTP August / October 2018
Volunteer’s Feedbacks
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Volunteer, donations, supports, informations… : gilles.frene@wanadoo.fr
Visit of our projets in Namibia : ausun@africaonline.com.na

As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team