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« This mission within Peri Naua taught me a lot in several areas. First of all, education. Thanks to homework help, I was able to observe the evolution of each student, see their confidence increase, the admiration of white fade to give way to an equitable human relationship. These exchanges were a real pleasure and I learned about the thirst for discovery, the curiosity of children and teenagers. Then that of creativity by offering artistic activities as part of the establishment of a cultural center. I acquired skills in pedagogy but also in the implementation of workshops, especially radio.
This new experience allowed me to refine my choice of orientation towards a work that combines culture and social. These 6 months within the association, made me grow and learn a lot about humanity, brotherly love, my personal and professional priorities. What a rewarding experience to see these students create so independently and flourish in a common project!
This civic service opens wide the heart and mind, each child is full of richness and beauty. Also, I thank Erica and Alina for everything they taught me indirectly. Their courage, poetry and cheerfulness gave me a lot. Their families as well. Thank you to the whole team for welcoming me.«
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As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team
« At Peri Naua, part of my mission took place at the library, with local employees: help with homework, reading, manual activities, sports and cultural…
It was an opportunity to share pedagogical knowledge from our different cultures. The rest of the time, I participated in the establishment of a cultural center for teenagers in the neighborhood: course programming, communication, creation of projects. The exchange with the beneficiaries helped us to better understand their reality, their expectations and the constraints related to the socio-economic environment, and thus allowed us to adapt our activities. Because a new project involves successes as well as failures. Learning to question yourself, modifying your initial ideas to overcome them is essential. Anyway, these eight months were a succession of emotions, between satisfactions and disappointments.
Finally, I would retain the richness of the human experience of this stay in Namibia. Every moment of sharing with children, teenagers and stakeholders was a source of joy. Taking a step back from Western society by discovering different ways of relating to the world and cultures was for me a way to form opinions and a line of action related to this new knowledge. »
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As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team
« I got to know Peri Naua 4 years ago on a family trip. I had the chance to be able to visit the school. This visit had marked me and I had promised myself to return.
So I came back 4 years later for a 6 week observation internship. Me directing towards a career as a teacher, I wanted to come and discover another type of education and another way of teaching while immersing myself in a culture that is not mine.
I don’t regret coming back! This stay was a real enrichment which made me allowed to exchange and share with the local population.
By helping this community, I discovered another way of life and made unforgettable encounters. All those children’s faces and smiles I don’t could not forget them.
Peri Naua, what an adventure! Through school and library, every child has the opportunity to build a future and make your dreams come true.
In 6 weeks, I observed but most of all I learned, listened and grew. Coming by Namibia, I escaped for a few moments, I landed and I encountered a population full of hopes for the future. For a first experience alone abroad, I couldn’t ask for better than this stay in Peri Naua.
Thank you to everyone I have met along the way. You made my stay an unforgettable memory. Thanks to Monique for welcoming me. Thank you Peri Naua from allowing me to do this internship and to exist for these children.
Pauline – May 27 – July 8, 2019 (Observation course, internship, St Etienne University) »
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnna, rhymes, and company (August-December 2015)“See a spark of curiosity in their eyes, notice the corner of the mouth that...
Volunteer's FeedbacksJeanne: budding puppeteer (15 October 2013 – 15 June 2014)“I decided to go and work in Namibia for Peri Naua after obtaining my...
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnne: from tourist to volunteer (July-August 2013)“Far from the dunes of Sossusvlei and from Etosha national Park, which I fell...
Volunteer's FeedbacksPauline: Peri Naua’s reporter (September 26 - November 29, 2012)“During a trip, we do not expect what we will live, we do not...
Volunteer's FeedbacksHiu, seeking translators for English-local language dictionaries (September- December 2012)“Arrived by chance at the school of...
Volunteer's FeedbacksMehdi, member of the EDA/BTP student association helping in the renovation of the school (July - August 2012)“I was part of the...
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnnick, her carpet stories and other stories... (20 May - 14 June 2011)“The project with the stories-carpet has already been...
Volunteer's FeedbacksMathieu: the green thumb in 3 minutes (July- August 2010)“As part of a training abroad, I spent two months as a volunteer at...
Volunteer's FeedbacksDominique, a trainer for Namibian teachers (10 January - 23 April 2010)“This mission went on under excellent conditions, both...
As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team
Mission completed !
Our objectives :
« We were busy during the last days in Otjiwarongo because we had some things to finish. To begin, the painting of the doors, windows and foundations of the library. The library now is in the PERI NAUA association colors and looks like a new building. Despite the high heat, all went well to finish the renovation of the library. We also helped PERI NAUA to manage the hundred children coming daily and voluntary for their own intellectual growth. We helped the children to read, to do the homework after school and get access to computers. It was a pleasure to be with these children. We will never forget the smile and the desire to learn in these children.
We also did some administrative tasks and we evacuated the clay didn’t used for the library during the last days of the mission and now it’s definitely the end. This mission brought us a lot in our perception of the world around us and also enables us to improve our management of a group project in an unknown country. We are proud but mainly grateful to all the people who have supported the project. Without you, all this can’t be possible, and all this smiles and good deeds are thanks to you. Many thanks to you ! »
Maxime, Benjamin, Artur et Vianney association EDA BTP August / October 2018
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnna, rhymes, and company (August-December 2015)“See a spark of curiosity in their eyes, notice the corner of the mouth that...
Volunteer's FeedbacksJeanne: budding puppeteer (15 October 2013 – 15 June 2014)“I decided to go and work in Namibia for Peri Naua after obtaining my...
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnne: from tourist to volunteer (July-August 2013)“Far from the dunes of Sossusvlei and from Etosha national Park, which I fell...
Volunteer's FeedbacksPauline: Peri Naua’s reporter (September 26 - November 29, 2012)“During a trip, we do not expect what we will live, we do not...
Volunteer's FeedbacksHiu, seeking translators for English-local language dictionaries (September- December 2012)“Arrived by chance at the school of...
Volunteer's FeedbacksMehdi, member of the EDA/BTP student association helping in the renovation of the school (July - August 2012)“I was part of the...
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnnick, her carpet stories and other stories... (20 May - 14 June 2011)“The project with the stories-carpet has already been...
Volunteer's FeedbacksMathieu: the green thumb in 3 minutes (July- August 2010)“As part of a training abroad, I spent two months as a volunteer at...
Volunteer's FeedbacksDominique, a trainer for Namibian teachers (10 January - 23 April 2010)“This mission went on under excellent conditions, both...
As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team
“Happiness! Looking for a job in the associative world, I decided to go through the civic service box to densify my CV.
Loving travel, change of scenery and contact with children, I was immediately won over by Peri Naua’s project in the township of Otjiwarongo. Having lived in Namibia for eight months was a huge breath of fresh air for me.
Far from the hellish pace of France, I was able to take a step back on myself and return to a simpler and healthier lifestyle. Life in the township has proven to be very pleasant, very musical, and lively.
I have only met good people, colourful characters, whether Namibians or foreigners.
Peri Naua was a formative experience from every point of view and reinforced my desire to carry out development projects for disadvantaged populations. But the best part about this adventure was the possibility of spending a lot of time with the children. Whether it was kindergarten toddlers with whom I spent an hour a day, playing with them, while trying to instil in them some values (living together, respect for equipment, hygiene …) They were so playful and full of life and never tired of posing so that I could take pictures of them… Or even the older ones at the library, with whom the exchanges were even more enriching, the sharing stronger. I will miss a lot of them, and I would be curious about what will happen to them in the future … If I could have extended my stay here, I would have been happy to do so. Finally, how to talk about Peri Naua without mentioning Monique! A huge thank you to her for the colossal work she has been carrying out on site for years!”
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnna, rhymes, and company (August-December 2015)“See a spark of curiosity in their eyes, notice the corner of the mouth that...
Volunteer's FeedbacksJeanne: budding puppeteer (15 October 2013 – 15 June 2014)“I decided to go and work in Namibia for Peri Naua after obtaining my...
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnne: from tourist to volunteer (July-August 2013)“Far from the dunes of Sossusvlei and from Etosha national Park, which I fell...
Volunteer's FeedbacksPauline: Peri Naua’s reporter (September 26 - November 29, 2012)“During a trip, we do not expect what we will live, we do not...
Volunteer's FeedbacksHiu, seeking translators for English-local language dictionaries (September- December 2012)“Arrived by chance at the school of...
Volunteer's FeedbacksMehdi, member of the EDA/BTP student association helping in the renovation of the school (July - August 2012)“I was part of the...
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnnick, her carpet stories and other stories... (20 May - 14 June 2011)“The project with the stories-carpet has already been...
Volunteer's FeedbacksMathieu: the green thumb in 3 minutes (July- August 2010)“As part of a training abroad, I spent two months as a volunteer at...
Volunteer's FeedbacksDominique, a trainer for Namibian teachers (10 January - 23 April 2010)“This mission went on under excellent conditions, both...
As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team
A sense of purpose was a key element I was missing in my personal development.
In the end, mission accomplished, I found with Peri Naua everything I was looking for and more. By working for others, I have understood many things, especially that altruistic work is the best, it’s a real virtuous circle.
With Peri Naua you work with and for the township community, and whether it’s your colleagues, children or families, as you work you gain their respect, their appreciation, their friendship, and all these kind feelings are a real pittance for the soul.
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnna, rhymes, and company (August-December 2015)“See a spark of curiosity in their eyes, notice the corner of the mouth that...
Volunteer's FeedbacksJeanne: budding puppeteer (15 October 2013 – 15 June 2014)“I decided to go and work in Namibia for Peri Naua after obtaining my...
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnne: from tourist to volunteer (July-August 2013)“Far from the dunes of Sossusvlei and from Etosha national Park, which I fell...
Volunteer's FeedbacksPauline: Peri Naua’s reporter (September 26 - November 29, 2012)“During a trip, we do not expect what we will live, we do not...
Volunteer's FeedbacksHiu, seeking translators for English-local language dictionaries (September- December 2012)“Arrived by chance at the school of...
Volunteer's FeedbacksMehdi, member of the EDA/BTP student association helping in the renovation of the school (July - August 2012)“I was part of the...
Volunteer's FeedbacksAnnick, her carpet stories and other stories... (20 May - 14 June 2011)“The project with the stories-carpet has already been...
Volunteer's FeedbacksMathieu: the green thumb in 3 minutes (July- August 2010)“As part of a training abroad, I spent two months as a volunteer at...
Volunteer's FeedbacksDominique, a trainer for Namibian teachers (10 January - 23 April 2010)“This mission went on under excellent conditions, both...
As all the persons in the organization are volunteers, they may not reply immediately, due professional reasons. However, we guarantee an answer to each and every mail. Peri Naua’s Team